
We assist business to purchase goods to be supplied to their customer. This is a joint venture between Qiblatin and Client who has the opportunity to secure and deliver
projects/orders successfully.


Sufficient Fund

Timely completion in delivering goods

No Collateral

No collateral required

Full Transparency

Only pay after approval (for processing & legal documentation fees)

Increase capacity and revenue

Accept bigger jobs/orders

The Factoring Process

Factoring Concept

Factoring is a form of cash flow relief solutions offered by Qiblatin to goverment contractors and government links companies (GLC’s), by converting their receivables into ready cash through sales of debt

Benefit of Factoring

Trusted & Reliable

Increase in Margin

Improve Cashflow

Reduction in Overhead

Qiblatin welcome client from all goverment sector & GLC'S
